Mar 142018

Το Processwork Hub συμμετείχε στην έρευνα του International Center for the Prevention of Crime για την πρόληψη του εξτρεμισμού. Χθες μας έστειλαν το τελικό κείμενο της έρευνας. Μπορείς να διαβάσεις τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας με ένα κλικ εδώ (αγγλικά).

An international Study of Front-Line Workers and Intervention Issues

The objective of this study, funded by Public Safety Canada, is to identify the main challenges faced by frontline workers in preventing radicalization in order to gather specific and practical information regarding the implementation of programmes and initiatives, especially the ones linked to challenges, difficulties, as well as intervention management approaches.

To do so, the study was carried out in two phases. During the first one, exploratory interviews were held with 27 experts and specialists from 14 countries. Through this phase, we were able to obtain recommendations in selecting which frontline workers to target as well as countries and cities implementing interesting interventions for the prevention of radicalization. We were also given the contact information of some workers. Subsequently, the second phase of the study consisted in interviewing frontline actors, such as social workers, educators, etc. who are involved in the prevention of radicalization. A total of 63 workers from 23 countries in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania were interviewed.

The Report for this study thus presents the main intervention dimensions in preventing radicalization as well as challenges faced by frontline workers, while also sharing their recommendations when it comes to intervening to prevent radicalization.

Πηγή: International Center for the Prevention of Crime