Apr 122007

Deep Democracy: Where Fields Meet
International Conference, London, April 26-28 2007

University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

We thought you might be interested in some of the leading edge themes in this conference:

Day 1 Mind-body, Coma and Palliative Care

Coma and care for people who may be near the end of their life and all the ethics around this subject are regularly in the press. International presenters introduce their experiences and learning in working with comatose states in hospital settings. Being able to reach people in the altered states of consciousness associated with Coma awakens hot and controversial ethical issues around life, death, and termination of life. A round table discussion, including participant questions will address these issues.




Day 2 Collective Trauma and Conflict Resolution

We read daily in the news of soldiers and civilians killed in war, and those who try to return to their lives traumatized. These problems do not just belong to those individuals, as psychological problems, but rather belong to our society. War and violence is an individual and a collective issue. People who are traumatized often feel isolated even in a well meaning environment and the silence around trauma is a potential fuel for fresh violence. On the second day of the conference, conflict resolution facilitators who work in conflict settings will talk about their work in presentations, workshops, and round-tables.






Day 3 Mental Health and Social Marginalization

We often sigh when we see how our system stacks up against those most vulnerable. An inquiry into the NHS’ possible contribution into the shocking death of six individuals with learning disabilities has been recently in the news and highlights the attitudes that perpetuate marginalization of people who don’t fit in. The third day of the conference focuses on mental health as a community matter, disabilities and other dynamics of social marginalization.

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