Oct 162012

Dear friends and IAPOP colleagues

In 2012, Process Work celebrates it’s 30th birthday!* On this occasion the IAPOP community came together in Zürich at the end of April. After gathering for our IAPOP pre-conference meeting, and celebrating our birthday party, the highly inspiring IAPOP Conference 2012 took place.

Birthdays offer an opportunity to look back, and honor the seeds that enabled the flowers to bloom the way they do today. In that sense, I’m happy to present you a movie that tries to track the oral history of Process Work in it’s early days during the late 70s and early 80s in Zürich.

I really hope that you enjoy the way this movie intends to honor the powerful deep dreaming of Arnold Mindell and his collaborators who together sparked off what eventually would become today’s Process Work. I’m aware that this is just one way of picking up some threads around the awesome beginning and enfolding of Process Work. Surely, many of you have many more stories that need to be told and listened to. It would be wonderful to collect them all!

I feel a immense gratiude to all of my interview partners who shared their memories, feelings, and insights. It’s your storytelling that helps us get a glimpse of the dreaming power behind what eventually should become Process Work.

As an amateur movie maker, working with a beginner’s mind and attracted by a heartfelt vision, I was naturally confronted with different limitations. To be able to handle this project, I had to downsize the choice of interview partners to Arnold Mindell, the group of the Grand-Parents, and the First Student Cohort. This selection unfortunately leaves out many other important people who were also part of the early community. I’m very sorry for that, and hope that these voices will get more time and space to speak out and be heard!

My apologies go to Arny and Amy Mindell for the poor technical quality of their interviews done by Skype. Even though we tried our best, we didn’t manage to get the interviews done in real time at a real place.

Finally, great thanks to Brigitte Gägauf and Stanford Siver for their huge support getting this feature uploaded on the IAPOP website.

With a whole lotta love,

Thierry Weidmann

* The pre-founding meeting was on February 7th 1982 at 7.45 pm in Herrliberg, Zürich. The formal founding meeting of the FG POP/RS POP took place on September 12th 1982 at 7.30 pm at Küsnacht, Zürich.

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