Jan 022010
The dream of a butterfly by Titia Vanbeugen
(see more of her work at titiavanbeugen.deviantart.com

Δεκάδες τα email με τις ευχές για τη νέα δεκαετία και το νέο χρόνο. Ξεχώρισε ανάμεσα τους το μήνυμα της ΑΚΒ με ένα απόσμασμα από μια συνέντευξη της εξελικτικής βιολόγου Elisabet Sahtouris:

“The really exciting thing about being alive today is that we’re all here for a great transformation. It’s clear that we’re unsustainable. We have to change things and we’re figuring out how. And in a sense the old system is getting more entrenched, more violent, more powerful. It’s trying to keep itself alive while we know that we need a new system.

The best metaphor I’ve found about this situation comes from the biological world again. It’s the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. If you see the old system as a caterpillar crunching it’s way through the eco-system, eating up to three hundred times its weight in a single day, bloating itself until it just can’t function anymore, and then going to sleep with its skin hardening into a chrysalis. What happens in its body is that little imaginal disks (as they’re called by biologists) begin to appear in the body of the caterpillar and its immune system attacks them. But they keep coming up stronger and they start to link with each other. As they connect, as they link with each other, they mature into fully-fledged cells and more and more of them aggregate until the immune system of the caterpillar just can’t function any more. At that point the body of the caterpillar melts into a nutritive soup that can feed the butterfly.

I love this metaphor because it shows us why, first of all, we who want to change the world are co-existing with the old system for a while and why there’s no point in attacking the old system because you know the caterpillar is unsustainable so it’s going to die. What we have to focus on is “can we build a viable butterfly?” A butterfly that really can fly, because that’s not guaranteed. “

Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. After Darwin 2003

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