Feb 112007

‘Earth Based Psychology: Path Awareness from the teachings of Don Juan, Richard Feynman and Lao Tse’
by Arnold Mindell, Ph.D

The Yaqui Indian shaman, Don Juan, says “align yourself with the powers of the earth”. The Nobel prize winning physicist Richard Feynman tells us that elementary “particles sniff all paths and take the one with least action”. The mystic Lao Tse says, “the sage follows the way, and everything benefits.”

Arnold Mindell now combines and updates these various teachings from shamanism, physics and Taoism to create what he calls earth-based “path consciousness”, a fundamental, human spiritual experience linked to the nature of the planet earth.
By connecting quantum physics with aboriginal mythology, Mindell develops new methods to guide us and determine the best momentary psychological direction through inner turmoil, relationship trouble, and community issues. By connecting “path awareness” to the inner experience of the earth as well as the real physical universe, he develops elementary methods that can be learned by anyone and applied just about anywhere.

In the 22 chapters, 9 appendices and 114 pictures and diagrams, you find ca. 250 pages of Earth based Psychology describing new “directional methods” for dreamwork, relationship awareness and organizational development. In the appendices you can catch up on the basics of quantum thinking and vectors.

Για να στηρίξετε τον εκδοτικό οίκο του Process Work (Lao Tse Press), αγοράστε το αντίγραφο σας απ’ ευθείας απο το Lao Tse Press, επικοινωνόντας με την Lee Spark Jones στη διεύθυνση: leesparkjones@earthlink.net. Κόστος: $17.95 + έξοδα αποστολής.

Μπορείτε να βρείτε το βιβλίο και στο Amazon Books UK.

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