Mar 112022

@ our borders
Open Forum Public Dialogue
Saturday, March 19 @
1.30 – 4.00 PM New York, USA
7.30 – 10.00 PM Athens, Greece
Convert to your time zone here:
At the forefront of long-simmering, intersecting issues. Who is allowed in & who is kept out?The recent scenes at the borders of Ukraine with some people being prioritized and allowed to cross, while others being made to wait or stopped, brings to the foreground the issue of borders and all the issues that intersect. Join us in an attempt to focus on this junction point, interact and deepen our dialogue and awareness.
Facilitators: Diane Wong & Lily Vassiliou
Support Team: Pharaoh Saunders, Frank Eason, Jordana Hart, Christina Balch, Amy Palatnick, and Hellene Gronda
Jul 112017

Οι φίλοι και συνάδεφλοι processworkers στην Ελβετία, Reini Hauser & Elke Schlehuber, συντόνισαν Ανοιχτό Φόρουμ στο St. Gallen (Ελβετία) με θέμα «Refugees in Switzerland: chances and limits for our society».

(βίντεο με αγγλικούς υπότιτλους)