
What we do

We are involved in adult education, psychotherapy - development of awareness skills, conflict resolution, organizational consulting, community work.

Development of Awareness skills

Processwork is an approach to human experience that promotes personal and collective change through awareness. Personal work aims at the development of awareness of inner and relationship processes. The way we approach individual processes differs according to the person's style and needs. We use movement, painting, body work, dreams, in order to follow and unfold processes and support awareness of the meaning and the deeper processes that lie in disturbing life experiences.

Training seminars

We offer training seminars that focus on inner work and personal development as well as the development of professional skills. Using the philosophy and theory of the Processwork paradigm, we focus on topics such as body symptoms, dreams, relationships, altered and extreme states of consciousness, addictions, creativity, conflict resolution, group process facilitation, supervision etc.

Communication and conflict resolution training / community building

We collaborate with the private and public sector offering experiential training in communication and conflict resolution. Some of the organizations and training programs with which we collaborate are: Athenian institute of Anthropos (ΑΚΜΑ), Association for the Social Support of Youth (ARSIS)

Program of Education for the Muslim Minority Children in Thrace, Medical School of Ioannina, Child and Adolescent's Center, Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals (ΚΕΘΕΑ), Living Library, Labor Institute of GSEE, Athens Municipality, etc. In these training seminars we focus on communication skilld, roles, fields, issues of rank in relationships and group process.

Team building

We collaborate with organizations offering team building seminars for the staff. In these meetings that are based on the theory and practice of group process, the staff members have the opportunity to work as a group, not only around organizational issues and problems but also the feelings and the atmosphere in the working place.

The dominant model in organizational meetings is the one of working on the agenda, issues are discussed by order of importance and the meeting is focused on solving problems and working tusks. Teams almost never focus in the atmosphere between them, feelings and relationship issues between members. All these issues that we feel but never talk about influence a lot the work the creativity, productivity and sustainability of the group.

Organizations with which we have collaborated believe that team building is a way to create better understanding between members and roles, more intimate relationships and a sense of community in the working place.

Group processes

Group process is based on the concept of 'Deep Democracy' a feeling attitude according to which all people, feelings, body experiences dreams and states of consciousness are considered indispensable parts of a whole. It is an open way to deal with experiences that a represent in a group and demand our awareness.

Group process aims to support the different parts that are present in an issue, a group or a community and facilitate their expression and interaction. Through the interaction between the parts, the group gains awareness of the field and a momentary sense of community arises which can help in finding produce creative solutions to problems.

Group processes are open to everyone that wishes to explore in depth issues and problems that concern our social and political lives.

Community work

Community work takes different forms like:
  • Open group processes
  • community projects
  • Crisis interventions (work in crisis situations in schools)
  • Actions around issues of social marginalization etc

Teachers Empowered

A training program based on the manual Teachers Empowered by Lucas Hohler and Joe Goodbread. For more information about the program visit